The Future of
Oblingo Payment Technologies, the first “enjoy now pay later” platform enabling real time true micropayments without a pre-payment demand. No known platform enables a single click, fast registration process with the agility and elegance of Oblingo.

Oblingo Can Do That
Today’s consumers demand the ability to select their own individual, customized experience. Oblingo does that with just one click! Now you can buy just the item you want at a price you won’t believe!
Signing up is easy and safe! No credit cards or credit checks… Just your name and mobile phone number is all you need to start your Oblingo experience!
Maximize Your Revenue Potential
Oblingo will help create revenue streams content providers have yet to experience, dramatically improving cash flow and energizing your business!
If you’re an eGame developer or media outlet wanting to capture more… More attention, more looks, more listens, and more revenue, then Oblingo is your answer! With Oblingo, you can customize an enhanced consumer experience by giving them just what the user wants at a price point they can’t pass up.
Gamers can now select the singular game piece at a price so low they can’t say no! This allows them to deepen the relationship with your game, increases their consumption, and captures revenue our Oblingo Developer Partners would have never received.

Media outlets can now turn browsers into buyers by providing access to news and entertainment in low-cost consumable bites! With Oblingo, our Media Partners can now drive additional revenue from low-cost individual content; revenue that is often lost from consumers unwilling to pay higher subscription prices.
Our core business model is based on revenue from consumers choosing Oblingo to customize their user experience. Oblingo:
• Aggregates user purchases from one or more content provider• Bills the consumer• Processes these aggregated payments, and
• Allocates revenue by sharing proceeds with the content providers the consumer has used